The college's Breathalyzer will be used by Pratt Community College officials on college property or at college sponsored events when “reasonable suspicion” occurs that a student may be under the influence as a result of one or all of the following:

  1. Student is making a disturbance
  2. Student appears intoxicated
  3. Student refuses to cooperate

Two PCC officials must be present to administer and witness the Breathalyzer testing. The following action will result:

1. If the student refuses the test, he or she will be escorted out of the activity and charged a $200 fine.

2. If the student takes the test, the following guidelines will be used:

  • If student tests .02 or higher, he or she will be charged a $200 fine and will be escorted out of the activity. Counseling or educational service is an alternative for the $200 fine. A second offense will be sanctioned as stated in the Student Handbook.

3. If the student is in possession of alcohol, the following guidelines will be used:

  • If the student is 20 years of age or under and in possession of alcohol, police will be notified and he or she will be charged a $200 fine. A second offense will be sanctioned as stated in the Student Handbook.
  • If the student is 21 years of age or older, in possession of alcohol and when asked to leave, he or she refuses, police will be notified. A $200 fine will be charged for 1st offense. A second offense will be sanctioned as stated in the Student Handbook.

4. In all cases, if a student is under the influence and is asked to leave, arrangements will be coordinated to ensure the student does not operate a motor vehicle.

Revision Dates: 06-20-2017, 01-20-2009, 10-03-2006.

Administrative Policy